Cambridge English Examination Courses

Cambridge English Examination Courses

Our Cambridge English Examination Courses provide intensive exam preparation and are designed to improve your language level in all areas, speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

You will have the opportunity to take a mock (practice) Cambridge English Examination at school before sitting the real examination. This will help you to understand where best to focus your time and effort before the big day.See dates below. 


Cambridge English B2 First (FCE) (Council of Europe Level B2) – upper intermediate level. Accepted by many employers worldwide as indicating proficiency in English to be able to be of use in many jobs.

Cambridge English C1 Advanced (CAE) (Council of Europe Level C1) – advanced level. Accepted by most UK universities (including the University of Plymouth) and a growing number in the USA as proof of adequate level for courses taught and assessed in English.

Cambridge English C2 Proficiency (CPE) (Council of Europe Level C2) – very advanced. Accepted by many institutions as indicating a level of near native speaker.

The examination content and format for C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency is similar to that of B2 First but at higher levels.

Cambridge English Examination Courses - Aims & content

Paper 1: Reading & Use of English

Candidates are tested on their ability to understand, among other things: attitude, inference, text organisation features, purpose, main ideas, text structure, specific information.
Candidates are assessed on their ability to demonstrate knowledge and control of the language system by completing various tasks at word, sentence and text level.

Paper 2: Writing

Candidates are tested on their ability to write specified task types with a range of functions. They will be assessed on achievement of task, range of vocabulary and structure; organisation and cohesion; accuracy; spelling and punctuation; appropriacy.

Paper 3: Listening

This paper tests the ability to understand gist, detail, function, purpose, attitude, opinion, relationship, topic, situation and main idea.

Paper 4: Speaking

Candidates are assessed on grammar and vocabulary, discourse management, pronunciation and interactive communication.

Course Details & Prices

Cambridge English Examination Courses



23 hours / week: £385  (£651 with accommodation)
15 hours / week: £285 (£551 with accommodation)

AM lessons: 9.15 – 12.30 (15 min break)
PM lessons: 1.30 – 3.30
Monday – Friday
Minimum age: 16
Maximum class size: 12
B1 and above
All year round
Mixed nationality classes


Enrolment on a course is accepted once the deposit payment of £100 has been made, or the full course fees have been received.
(providing the appropriate course is available to suit your level and requirements).


6 weeks or more: 5% discount
12 weeks or more: 10% discount
24 weeks or more: 15% discount
(discounts only for courses of minimum 15 hours per week)

Exam fee discounts of 10% are also available for internal/existing candidates
Returners discount: 10%
Referral discount 10%
N.B Discounts only apply when the full fees are paid before commencement of course
Discounts not to be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotions


Book Your Course

    Personal Information

    Full Name (required)

    Male/Female (required)


    Nationality (required)

    First Language (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Telephone Number (required)

    Your Mobile Number


    Level of English

    Course dates

    Number of weeks

    Course (required)


    Homestay Accommodation Required?

    YesNo (required)

    If you do require homestay accommodation, please write any allergies or preferences you have below

    Are you happy to stay with a homestay who has a cat?


    Are you happy to stay with a homestay who has a dog?


    Please write any further information in the box below

    How did you hear about us? (required)

    Are you happy to receive marketing, school information and offers emails from us?


    I have read the Terms & Conditions (required)

    Pay Your Deposit

    Enrolment on a course is accepted once payment of the deposit (£100) or full courses fees are received and conditional on space being available.

    The balance of fees is to be paid 4 weeks prior to the course start date.

    Cancellation of a course will result in the loss of the deposit. Any refund for cancellation due to illness is at the school’s discretion.

    Once a course has commenced no refund can be made for leaving before the end of the course.

    Suzanne Sparrow Plymouth Language School, its staff and representatives will not be liable for any loss, damage, illness, injury or accident to persons or property. Adequate insurance provision should be made prior to commencement of course.

    Or By Bank Transfer

    HSBC Bank
    4 Old Town Street, Plymouth PL1 1DD, ENGLAND
    Sort Code: 40-36-22
    Account Number: 11823337
    IBAN: GB76HBUK40362211823337
    BIC: HBUKGB4110B


    Admissions Policy

    • Bookings can be made by through our website, by email, in person or by telephone
    • Bookings are accepted through agents and from students contacting the school directly
    • A deposit of £100 is required to confirm enrolment for individuals
    • A deposit of £100 per student is required to secure the places on a group booking
    • Full payment of fees is required 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the course.
    • Courses are subject to availability. If unavailable an alternative date will be offered.
    • The Enrolment form should be completed with care taken to read the conditions of enrolment on the reverse.
    • Please refer to the Payment of Fees Policy for information on students requiring visas.

    Entry Requirements

    • B1 or intermediate level for students taking the B2 Cambridge First Examination
    • B2 or upper intermediate level for students taking the C1 Cambridge Advanced Examination
    • C1 or Advanced level for students taking the Cambridge Proficiency Examination
    • Students taking the English Plus courses should be at minimum B1 or intermediate level
    • A placement test to assess the level of the student is available before the start of the course
      • Minimum ages are as follows:
      • General English and Cambridge Courses: 16 years old

      Summer Activity Course: 12 years old
      Group Bookings: 12 years old

    Visa Application Guidelines

    Students wishing to study in the UK will need a valid passport to enter the country.

    Depending on where they were born or live and length of study, students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland will also need a visa (official permit) to study in England. If you are unsure if you need a Visa, please visit this website to check

    Visa Types

    Short-Term Study Visa

    For students who want to study a short course in the UK and will not work while they are here. A Short-Term Study Visa allows the student to study for up to 6 months or 11 months if you’re 16 or over and taking an English Language Course. A Short-Term Study Visa does NOT allow the student to work alongside their studies, have access to public funds or bring family members (“dependants”) with you – they must apply separately. You can not renew your Short-Term Study Visa in the UK. For more information please check this website

    Standard Visitor Visa

    For adults who would just like to visit the UK for leisure, a holiday to visit family and friends and to study is not the main reason to visit you can apply for the Standard Visitor Visa. Once in the UK if you decide to take a short English Language Course, you can study for up to 30 days. For more information please check this website

    Standard Visitor Visa Under 18

    If you are under 18 you can apply for a Standard Visitor Visa if

    • You have made suitable arrangements for your travel and stay in the UK
    • You have consent from your parent or guardian to travel to the UK
    • You are able to pay for your return or onward journey
    • You have enough money to support yourself without working or getting help from public funds, or you have family and friends that can support you

    You can travel alone to the UK without an adult (someone over the aged of 18), your parent or guardian will need to provide their:

    • Written consent for you to travel to the UK
    • Full contact details
    • The name, address and date of birth of the person that you will be staying with
    • Details of your relationship to the person who will be looking after you and their consent in writing so they can look after you during your stay in the UK

    Please check here for further information on travelling with an adult (someone over the age of 18)

    How to apply

    Guidelines on how to apply for visas can be found on the following website:

    Enrolment Policy

    In order to enrol a student requiring a Visa, we require the following information:

    • Exact dates of study
    • Copies of passport
    • Completed enrolment form
    • A deposit of 25% of the full course fees is required to confirm the enrolment of the student.

    Upon receipt of the deposit, a letter confirming the student’s enrolment will be issued. The student can then use this letter to assist their visa application.

    Fees will be refunded if the applicant is unsuccessful (less a non-refundable deposit of £100).

    Sponsored Students

    Sponsored students should provide us with a Financial Letter of Guarantee from their Sponsor / Embassy before they can start studying with us. (FLG)

    During the student’s stay

    Passports and visas are checked and photocopied upon arrival. All of the required contact details are obtained from the student (as per our Admissions Policy) upon arrival. Students are asked to advise the office of any changes in contact details.

    Attendance is monitored throughout the student’s stay and the UKVI is notified of any sustained period of absence.

    Useful references

    Cancellation Policy


    • Cancellation of a course by an individual will result in the loss of their £100 non-refundable deposit.
    • Cancellation of a student within a group is accepted if notification is given at least 7 days prior to arrival. In this case, the fees for the cancelled student will be refunded less the £50 non-refundable deposit.
    • No refund will be given for the cancellation of a student within a group where less than 7 days’ notice is given. Where exceptional circumstances are evident a refund may be given at the school’s discretion.
    • Cancellation of a whole group more than 2 weeks before arrival will result in the loss of the group deposit (£50 per student)
    • Cancellation of a whole group less than two weeks before arrival will result in a 25% cancellation fee.
    • Once a course has commenced no refund can be made for leaving before the end of the course. Where exceptional circumstances are evident a refund may be given at the school’s discretion.

    Procedure for Homestay

    If an individual student wishes to leave the homestay provider before the end of their stay, one week’s notice must be given. If this is not possible a penalty of £50 will be imposed for repayment of the homestay provider.

    If a student wishes to remain with their homestay provider during the Christmas Period, the student will be charged as follows:

    £35 per night (24th Dec – 2nd Jan)

    £25 per night outside of these dates

    £12.50 per night across the Christmas break, if the student is not in the home but wishes to retain their room

    Learn English at the Suzanne Sparrow Plymouth Language School